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GMAT Focus Edition Test Prep
Course Introduction and Overview - Start Here!
Course Overview (10:07)
GMAT Focus Overview (28:08)
GMAT Section Overview (9:08)
Personal Performance (54:37)
Quantitative Reasoning
Quantitative Reasoning Problem Solving (22:20)
Introduction to Algebra (4:18)
PEMDAS (25:32)
Linear Equations (49:33)
Inequalities (30:09)
Quadratic Equations (44:35)
Systems of Equations (26:11)
Exponent Equations (19:33)
Functions and Sequences (21:34)
Word Problems (59:19)
Algebra Strategies (41:28)
Arithmetic (Content)
Introduction to Arithmetic (12:30)
Fractions and PEMDAS (62:53)
Decimals (57:54)
Statistics (44:39)
Ratios (32:34)
Percents (43:18)
Exponents (37:07)
Other Arithmetic Topics (50:08)
Number Properties
Introduction to Number Properties (4:18)
Prime Numbers (27:28)
Odd Even Rules (28:48)
Divisibility and Factoring (114:29)
Positive Negative Rules (28:02)
Quantitative Strategies
Intro to Quantitative Strategies (1:41)
Estimating (36:21)
Backsolving (29:46)
Example Numbers (41:38)
Testing Cases (33:15)
Input - Black Box - Output (32:08)
Data Insights
Introduction to Data Insights (0:36)
Data Sufficiency (40:11)
Intro to Non Data Sufficiency (9:28)
Data Insights Non Data Sufficiency Solves (47:06)
Critical Reasoning
Introduction to Critical Reasoning (11:11)
Find the Assumption (38:04)
Strengthen and Weaken (58:32)
Evaluate (30:22)
Explain the Weird (22:47)
Inference (35:14)
Argument Logic (17:58)
Reading Comprehension
Introduction to Reading Comprehension (8:25)
Reading Comprehension (82:08)
Class Recordings
Class One (122:59)
Class Two (115:57)
Class Three (123:09)
Class Four (117:44)
Class Five (118:31)
Class 6 (120:41)
Class 7 (122:22)
Class 8 (104:36)
Old GMAT Lessons
Intro to Sentance Correction (35:22)
Subject Verb Agreement (79:01)
Modifying Phrases (59:02)
Pronouns (71:53)
Verb Tense (59:01)
Parallelism (58:20)
Geometry (63:54)
AWA (19:45)
Integrated Reasoning (22:59)
GMAT Focus Overview
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